New to the Parish?

Catholic and new to Manurewa or St Anne's? Or maybe you have been attending for years but never took the steps to join?  St. Anne's is a young, vibrant, multi-cultural Catholic Parish located in the heart of Manurewa and we invite you to join us! Please email the Parish Office today - and fill in this form.


Thinking about becoming Catholic?

Are you interested in becoming Catholic? The process for becoming Catholic is called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), which is our formation process for adults who:

  • Have never been baptised.
  • Adult Catholics who were baptised but have not celebrated all of their Sacraments of Initiation (Eucharist and Confirmation).
  • Those baptised in another Christian faith tradition who may be interested in becoming a Catholic.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults generally starts in September each year.

***You will need to provide a copy of your baptismal certificate if you have already been Baptised. Please call the church that you were baptised at and ask them to “re-issue” your baptismal certificate if need be.

Please contact Langi Nunan, 0225272193,

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